Tim Motz leads the start of the additional service on Rosh Hashanah, including the leader’s meditation, the Unetaneh Tokef prayer, and the Amidah up to Kedushah.
Kaddish Titkabal
Tim Motz leads the congregational kaddish (the fun one) that comes at the end services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur Musaf
Rabbi Roni leads the start of the additional service on Yom Kippur, starting on page 769 of the Koren-Sacks Machzor with Hineni. Also included are p773 Chatzi Kaddish, p801 Beginning of Amidah, p805 Zochreinu, p807 Gevurot, p813 Mi chamocha, p815 Yimloch, p831 Imru Lelohim, p835 Ma’aseh Eloheinu, p841 l’yoshev tehilot, p843 Unetaneh Tokef, p853 Kedusha, p857 Chamol al Ma’asecha.
Yom Kippur Viddui
Tim Motz leads the prayer of confession that is repeated multiple times throughout the Day of Atonement.
High Holy Day Torah Service
Hannah Bowers leads the High Holyday Torah Service, beginning around p. 463 in the Koren Sacks Rosh Hashanah Machzor.
Mincha – Kadish and the Start of the Amidah
David Baker leads us through the Kadish and the opening of the Amidah for the Afternoon Service.
Mincha Kedusha to L’dor Vador
David Baker leads us from the Kedusha in the afternoon service to L’dor Vador.
Ne’ilah Service
Rabbi Roni leads the beginning and highlights of Yom Kippur Ne’ilah (closing) service, starting in the Koren-Sacks Machzor on page 1101 with Ashrei. Then including p1105 U’va letzion, p1109 Chatzi Kaddish, p1133 Beginning of the Amidah, p1139 Sha’arei Armon, p1149 Petach Lanu Sha’ar, p1149 Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, p1165 Ezkerah Elohim, p1171 Ki Anu Amecha, p1189 Avinu Malkeinu (end), p1191 End of Yom Kippur, p1193 Full Kaddish.