
You can view our COVID policy here

We meet every Shabbat and on festivals at a venue in Stoke Newington. We like to think our services have the best of tradition – mostly in Hebrew, with all the familiar melodies – and the best of modernity, with men and women taking a full and equal part. We also have a services for children on the final Saturday of every month.

We welcome members and non-members alike to participate in all our services.

We are an egalitarian community, with equal roles for men and women, with mixed seating and a relaxed dress code. We try to ensure all mobile phones are switched off and the rules regarding avoiding use of technology and writing etc. are observed while with the community.

If you are marking a yahrzeit (the anniversary of the death of someone close to you) and would like to mark it with an Aliyah on a particular Shabbat, please get in touch, whether or not you are currently a member.