Chanukah Stories

A special series of videos made for this year’s Chanukah

1st Night

It’s the first night of Chanukah – Rabbi Roni Tabick lights the first Chanukah candle and then reads the first of our stories from the book “Eight Tales For Eight Nights” – the story “The Picture In The Flame”. Chag Sameach!

2nd Night

For the second night of Chanukah, enjoy Deborah Syme reading “The Secret Of The Shammash – A Sephardi Tale” from the book “Eight Tales for Eight Nights”.

3rd Night

Continuing our stories from the book “Eight Tales For Eight Nights”, for the Third Night, Jonathan Taylor reads the story “Chanukah Means Hope – A Holocaust Tale”.

4th Night

Continuing our stories from the book “Eight Tales For Eight Nights”, for the fourth night of Chanukah tonight, Audrey Geffen reads the story “A Secret Chanukah – A Marrano Tale”.

5th Night

For the fifth night of Chanukah, we have Jessica Tepperman reading “How To Sell A Menorah”, another story from the book “Eight Tales for Eight Nights”. Hope you enjoy it. Chag Sameach!

6th Night

It’s the sixth night of Chanukah and for tonight’s story from the book “Eight Tales For Eight Nights”, David Baker reads the story “A Stranger’s Gift”.

7th Night

It’s the seventh night of Chanukah and our penultimate story for the “Eight Tales For Eight Nights” – “The Rescued Menorah”, read for us by Sarah Levy.

8th Night

For the last night of Chanukah, Rebecca Harris reads “A Melody In Israel” from the book “Eight Tales For Eight Nights”. Enjoy…and Chag Sameach!