Membership Form

We are delighted that you would like to join the New Stoke Newington Shul (NSNS). Your submitted membership application will be processed for approval, followed by ratification at the next meeting of the Membership Committee.

    All fields marked with a * are mandatory

    Your Personal Details
    Your Contact Details
    Bar / Bat Mitzvah Details
    Your Family

    Please tell us about your family.

    1st Family Member
    2nd Family Member
    3rd Family Member
    4th Family Member
    Burial Scheme

    NSNS has an arrangement in place with the Jewish Joint Burial Society (JJBS). You can visit their website at: JJBS Membership is £55 per annum pro-rata'd for the first year

    We will share your name, Hebrew name, and date of birth with the JJBS who will use your details solely in order to administer the scheme.

    Relationship to NSNS

    The yahrzeit is a time of remembering the dead by reciting the Kaddish, lighting a 24-hour candle and remembering the person who has died. We keep a record of details of any yahrzeits our members may wish to commemorate.

    For each yahrzeit you would like to commemorate please provide: English Name, Maiden Name(if appropriate), Date of Death, Whether Death Occurred After Sunset, Hebrew Name, and Relationship to You.

    Community Activities

    NSNS grew from a series of conversations in 2007, which revealed the desire of a handful of families in Stoke Newington and beyond to be part of a community that was true to tradition, yet modern and inclusive. Since those families first met around assorted kitchen tables, we have put the emphasis on creating and building a community of people, one led by its own members. We are run by volunteers and we ask members to volunteer and help where they can. We aim for high member engagement, with low barriers for entry.

    Do you have any specific areas of interest (e.g. liturgy, culture, adult education, social events, fund-raising, youth provision, social action) about which it would be helpful for us to know? Are there areas of community life for which you have a particular passion and energy? Please give details below

    Indeed if you are willing to help the community in some way, we would welcome your involvement. Do you have any of the following skills you could offer on Shabbat / Chaggim?

    DavenLeynGive a Dvar TorahRecite HaftorahGabbaiRun Children’s Services

    Or any of the following skills you could offer more generally?

    AdministrationCateringCounsellingEventsFinanceFundraisingITLegalLibrarianMarketing / PRPhotographyPractical / DIYPublic RelationsTeachingSecuritySocial Media/DigitalWriting

    Masorti Judaism is an umbrella organisation which provides services that one synagogue alone cannot offer. These include a pan-European youth movement (NOAM), a Rabbinic Court (or Beit Din) and outreach activities. Masorti Judaism UK represents NSNS members nationally and internationally, and in dialogue with other denominations and faith groups. You can find out more here:

    We would like to provide Masorti Judaism UK with your name and contact details. This information will be used to make you aware of activities and services provided by Masorti Judaism UK and other Masorti synagogues. It will not be passed on to any other organisation. If you are happy for your information to be passed to Masorti Judaism UK, please let us know.


    As a charity we rely on your continued financial support to keep our activities running, our venues booked and our Rabbi paid. Rather than charge a fixed fee for membership since April 2019 we have moved to a fairer and more progressive model, where those able to contribute more are encouraged to do so, and those less financially able don’t need to apologise or ask permission to pay less.

    We instead ask you to donate, as you are able, according to a progressive income based model (please see table of suggested donation amounts below). We will never ask you to declare your income to us or question you regarding your financial status. We only ask you to be honest and as generous as you can. Donations above and beyond those recommended are of course very welcome.

    After submitting your application you will be redirected to Paypal to complete payment.

    Annual Income

    Suggested donation

    (inclusive of £48 NSNS Masorti membership fee)

    Up to £29,999

    £55 - £275

    £30,000 - £39,999

    £265 - £350

    £40,000 - £49,999

    £305 - £400

    £50,000 - £74,999

    £355 - £500

    £75,000 - £99,999

    £410 - £575

    £100,000 - £149,999

    £475 - £700


    £550 - £825+

    Gift Aid
    • Should you in the future no longer pay the appropriate amount of tax you must write and cancel your declaration.
    • If you pay tax at the higher or additional rate, you can claim and will receive a further tax rebate.
    • You must notify us of any change of name or address whilst the declaration is in force.
    • If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid, ask your local tax office or visit
    Data Protection and Privacy Policy

    Information on how NSNS processes the data you give us and the measures taken to ensure it’s security can be found in our Privacy Policy. The policy can be found at:


    I declare that the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand it will serve as the basis of consideration of my membership of NSNS.

    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response] (After submitting your application you will be redirected to paypal to complete payment.)